blog dot athnex dot com

Hailey's Personal Blog bout Things

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lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pharetra id elit eget vestibulum. Maecenas sodales euismod euismod. Nunc rhoncus nibh in bibendum vestibulum. Nullam consequat nibh ante, vel euismod est hendrerit a. Vivamus faucibus pharetra magna nec lacinia. Sed et risus non dui commodo malesuada. Donec blandit tellus sed accumsan hendrerit. Curabitur eu ipsum id nunc mollis tempor at ut nisl. Mauris ut elit aliquam, pulvinar arcu eu, commodo risus. Aliquam vehicula eros vitae finibus dignissim. Vestibulum fermentum ex a leo convallis, eu scelerisque erat mollis. Etiam rutrum quam vel euismod pharetra. Proin eu enim egestas dui aliquet suscipit sed at leo. Etiam molestie ipsum purus. Nunc elementum diam nulla, id commodo metus interdum id. Nam ut tellus sit amet orci malesuada porta sit amet id lorem.

Fusce non efficitur lorem, eu facilisis eros. Aenean tortor ex, venenatis placerat dapibus eget, iaculis ut lacus. Cras placerat, dui ac efficitur faucibus, ante urna viverra turpis, fermentum tincidunt dui lacus quis lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aenean viverra arcu ut porttitor commodo. Aenean nec ex elementum neque vestibulum aliquet quis ac diam. Vestibulum sit amet sem accumsan, imperdiet ex eget, eleifend est. Cras pharetra placerat ipsum sed tincidunt. Cras dictum feugiat maximus.

Rebuilding the Blog

So the server I had everything hosted on took a shit and died on me. I’m not sure the exact reason. I figured having raid-5 would keep such things from happening but I think the controller card died. About a week before this my entire backup system died and so I lost all my backups. Then my actual server died that held my secondary backups.

Either way I haven’t spent enough time at the data center troubleshooting the issue to recover the data. I sort of need it, kinda. One of these days I’ll have to take the computer home and work on it. We’re replacing everything with VMs and they work just fine, we got hypervisors with 48 procs and 128gigs of ram, 4 vcpu’s and 4gigs of ram missing hardly go noticed. The new server is a VM and hopefully I’ll get a backup system working before things happen again.

I ended up with two new two terabyte drives and discarded the rest of them. Next is a SSD drive for the OS. Then fuck computers, I need more outfits.

Until then.. new stuff will be posted here. The next thing might be related to DNSSEC and how annoying it is and how there are no good tutorials on going in manually and so I’ll have to write down how rollovers work in a quick step by step guide.